As soon as the pandemic arises, the whole world was disturbed, schools, universities, companies,offices and each and everything got closed. Everyone was afraid of new deadly virus names as Coronavirus or COVID-19. People started doing precautionary measures and started wearing masks to keep themself and their loved ones safe from this deadly virus. The death ratio due to coronavirus was increased by 10%.
My youngest son who is studying in class 9 at that time was also trying keep himself in touch with studies by taking online classes because he was preparing himself for board examinations. Inspite of this he was confused about the examinations that whether it will conducted or not, but i was trying my best to help him to complete his syllabus whether the exam will conducted or not.
One day my son came to me asking for some money to buy something to make and egg incubator i asked him that does he know hot to make it?, he make me sure about that and i gave him money because beside studies these small activities is necessary for the childrens.
He bought the equipments and started making the incubator and i was surprised that he made it and it was completely working also. After that he brought some eggs and put it on incubator. My elder sons was making fun of him that nothing is going to happen and i was also not sure for that. But he keep working on it.
And after 22 days it was surprising moment for all of us, my youngest child said that eggs were about to hatch and cute little chicks were trying their best to come out from egg shell with their cute chirping. We all were very happy to see all the five chicks.

All five chicks were growing day by day my son was taking full care of their feed.
These 5 chicks were belongs to Rhode Island Red breed this breed is suitable for meet and farming purposes. The chickens of this breed gives about 150-250 eggs per year. After 4 months of hard working these small chick turned into hens and cocks among these chicks 3 were hens and 2 were cocks.
As we were living in small apartment so it was not possible to keep chickens there because chickens need huge place to roam and these cannot be caged. So my son got an idea to donate the all 5 chickens to some needy person.
So i think about my maid she was a poor lady, so we decided to donate these chickens to her. So next day when he gave the chickens to her, she was so happy and gave lots of blessing to my son. After few days she let us know that chickens started laying eggs me and my son was happy on his good deed and it was a proud moment for my son for his charity
May God bless him