Winter Skin Care Tips: Easy Tips To Keep Your Skin Glowing This Winter
Best Tips To Keep Your Skin Smooth And Baby Soft In Winter
When we start to feel rough or dry skin, rough texture, scalyness then it means that the weather has changed and winter have arrived. It is very important to look after your skin in winter season otherwise your skin can cause itching, dry cracked skin, burning and redness and irritated skin. in addition to change in climate lack of nutrients, lack of hydration, not wearing winter clothes and so on are the cause of all these symptoms.
Effective Home Remedies To moisturize Skin And Repair Dry Skin
Body Mist are quick remedies for dry skin and it will keep your skin hydrated throughout our day. Spraying plain water on your skin will make your skin more dehydrated. Hence the moisturizing agent should be included in the body mist. Try this hibiscus and rose water face spray. It is very effective for those people having sensitive and excessive dry skin.Take four to five hibiscus flower add one glass of water in it. Boil it for ten minutes. Allow it to cool and then strain the liquid. Then add one teaspoon of rosewater in it. Fill this liquid in a spray bottle and always carry it with you all the time. Spray on your face every two to three hours or whenever you feel your skin is dry.
2 JoJoBA oil
Jojoba oil is beneficial for both combination and dry skin type. Moisturizing Jojoba oil properly help your skin to retain water and thus prevent skin dryness because it helps in balancing your skin’s natural oil. It is ideal for combination skin. It is also anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. After shower apply jojoba oil throughout your body, it would treat dryness, flakiness, redness, itchiness and other problems of skin. Apart of jojoba oil, almond oil, coconut oil, argon oil, olive oil are few excellent oils for dry skin and the condition that causes dry skin as eczema.3 Tulsi And Honey
Tulsi or Basil leaves have numerous beauty and health advantages. It contain high amount of vitamins and electrolyte minerals and python nutrients. Tulsi contains vital oil that moisturizes and nourishes the skin.Honey also possesses anti-inflammatory hydrating and therapeutic effect that really helps to cure dryness.
Take a bunch of tulsi leaves, wash it and put it in a grinder. Add a little amount of water and make a paste. Add a spoon of honey to this paste and apply all over the body for healthy and baby soft skin. After 15 minutes wash it with lukewarm water.
4 Cream of Milk And Red Lentils (Masoor dal) As a Face Pack
Our facial skin is thinning and more sensitive than the skin of our body, therefore we must treat it with greater care. It is very important to moisturize your face regularly, especially in winter. This cream of milk and red lentils face pack will work really good for excessively dry skin. Our ancestors have used milk cream regularly as a moisturizer. Red lentils improve health of skin and it also exfoliates dead skin cells gently.Take one teaspoon of milk cream add one and half teaspoon of red lentil powder, mix it thoroughly. Apply this thick paste entirely on the face evenly. After 15 minutes wash it out. You will notice soft and silky skin very clearly. You can apply cream directly on the lips to prevent dryness and cracked lips and it also prevent chapping of lips during winter. Understand one thing for lips very clearly, do not touch your lips with your toque and try to make it wet now and then, rather apply this cream of milk and that would help you tremendously
1: Aloe Vera Gel… 4 teaspoon
Aloe Vera Gel is one of the best thing to moisturize your skin, nourishes your skin, removes dead skin cells, help treating acne and infection, sunburn, anti-ageing and boost healing in wounds.2: Glycerin… 1 teaspoon
Glycerin act as a humectants, which is a substance that allows the skin to retain moisture. It can hydrate skin, relieves dryness and soften the skin. You can use an ordinary glycerin or vegetable glycerin which ever is easily available.3: Oil (almond or Olive Oil )…..1 teaspoon
Almond oil or Olive oil both of these oils are very beneficial for your skin. Almond oil contains vitamin E and K and moisturizes your skin while olive oil gives natural glow and shine to your skin.4: Vitamin E Capsules….2
Vitamin E is very essential to hydrate your skin.Procedure:
Mix these four things very carefully with the help of fork for at least 2 minutes. The mixture will become whitish. So here is our organic moisturizer ready to use. Keep it in an air tight container and after using you can keep it in the refrigerator. Apply it every day as per your comfort and you will not need to buy any of the chemical moisturizer from the market. This moisturizer you have to use it a little bit, because little quantity will be sufficient. Just apply and do good massage of the face and body and enjoy the baby soft skin with this chemical free moisturizer. This Moisturizer will be very useful for you. Smile More and stay Happy and Healthy6 Avoid Long Shower In Winter
In winter we would love to have a long hot water shower because of the cold winter climate. However hot water can deprive your skin of its natural oil and that would make your skin dry and harsh. It’s best to bath with Luke warm water and also a quick shower limiting your bath time from five to seven minutes.Always remember that you should avoid harsh soap which will dry your skin instantly. Better to use glycerin soap.
In winter we don’t feel quiet thirsty and therefore we do not drink adequate amount of water. This can also cause skin dryness. Remember to take at least eight glasses of water daily to stay hydrated. You can also include fruits juices, milk, buttermilk, coconut water etc in your routine. Make sure to consume diet which is rich in omega3 fatty acids such as flaxseeds and almonds as well as anti-oxidant rich foods such as fresh vegetables and fresh fruits.
All these things will keep your skin healthy and moist, because beauty comes from inside out. In winter wear warm clothes to keep your skin away from direct contact with breeze and cold. So keep all these little tips in your mind and you will be able to enjoy the winter without worrying about dry skin, irritation of skin, scratchness on skin and so on. So take care and you will enjoy your life and winter definitely.
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