China's Artificial Sun

 China's Artificial Sun
China has successfully completed the first test of it's nuclear fission reaction known as Artificial Sun

A Nuclear Fusion Reactor in China has set a record for sustained high temperature after running five times hotter then the Sun for more than 17 minutes

Artificial Sun
The Experimental Advanced superconduting 'Tokamak' known as artificial Sun reached the temperature of 70,000,000 C during the experiment.The most common design for fusion reactors, the Tokamak works by superheating plasma before trapping it inside a doughnut shaped reactor chamber with powerful magnetic field

Working On Artificial sun
The ultimate aim of developing the artificial sun device is to deliver limitless clean energy by mimicking the natural reactions occuring within stars.The recent operation lays a solid scientific and experimental foundation towards the running of fusion reactor, said Gong Xianzu, a researcher at the institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who led the latest experiment.
Replicating the Physics of actual sun, nuclear fusion reactors merge atomic nuclei in order to generate massive amount of energy that can be turned into electricity
The process requires no fossils fuels and leaves behind no hazardous waste materials, unlike the nuclear fusion process that powers commercial nuclear power energy production.Physicist also claims that there is far less risk of an environmental disaster.
International Thermonuclear Experiment (ITER) contains the world's most powerful magnet making it capable of producing a magnetic field 280k times as strong as the one around the earth.

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