Nasa James Webb Telescope is the world's largest optical space telescope primarily designed to conduct infrared astronomy. It is the most powerful and expensive telescope for about $10 million in 2016.Apart from this it's greatly improved infrared resolution and sensitivity allow it to view objects too early about 13.6 billions lightyears away, estimated to 100 to 250 millions years after the bigbang.

James Webb telescope was completed in more than 20 years and was launched on 25 December. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners and it is the great achievements and hard work of these engineers. The partners are:

NASA: National Aeronautics And Space Administrations

ESA: European Space Agency

CSA: Canadian Space Agency

On 12th July 2022 at 11.22am Nasa has released the breathtaking and mysterious images of the universe billions of lightyear away showing the deepest view of the universe ever captured before. It is the first full coloured images.

Every image is a new discovery and will give us incredible view of the universe which we had never seen before.

Stephen's Quinlet

Lots of individual stars are seen in this galaxy which is very remarkable. The whole galaxies with hundred million stars in it. This surprising image shows how interactions among galaxies might shape galactic evolution forming stars in each other and how gas in galaxies is being disturbed.

Carina Nebula:

Nasa has also released an image from the James Webb Space Telescope capturing the deepest view where a massive clusters of galaxy act as a magnifying glass for the object behind them.

*source: Nasa image Gallery

Within the turbulent Carina Nebula lies "Mystic Mountain'', the three light year tall cosmic pinnacle, primarily made up of gas and dust and flaunt sign of intense star forming activity. The color in this combined image correspond to glow of oxygen(blue),hydrogen and nitrogen(green) and Sulphur
 (red).Webb's image of the Carina Nebula shows how the stars are born. The image looks like a rocky mountain on a moonlit night named 'Cosmic Cliff' but it is the edge of giant gaseous cavity and the tallest pic in this image are about 7 lightyears away.

Each day a  different image of our enchanting universe is featured.

Cat's Eye Nebula:

Source: European Space Agency

It is the best  known planetary Nebulae on the sky. This image is taken which spans over three lightyears. Haunting coherences are seen in the bright central region like cat's eye. Astronomers estimates the age of the outer filamentary portion of the Cat's Eye Nebula's to be 50,000 to 90,000 years.

James Webb space telescope is breaking it's own record by capturing the most distant galaxy ever observed before.

Cartwheel Galaxy:

Source: Nasa image Gallery

Webb with it's remarkable ability to detect infrared light noel unveil new insight of the cartwheel galaxy by capturing surprising details about star formation ang galaxies central black hole. The cartwheel galaxy is located about 500 million lightyears away and it look like a wheel of a wagon. The formation of wheel is due to the collision between large large and small spiral galaxies sports two rings, a bright inner ring and a surrounding colorful ring. These two ring expands outward from the center of the collision, like ripples in a pond after throwing stone in it. Therefore it is named as 'Ring Galaxy or Cartwheel Galaxy'. The bright core contains a huge amount of hot dust with the brightest area which is the home of tremendous young stars clusters.

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